In Recipes

Iced Matcha Latte

What is Matcha you ask?

matcha latte, latte, iced matcha latte, matcha Matcha is a concentrated form of Green Tea.

What are the benefits of Matcha you ask?

Some of the benefits are: boosts your metabolism, improves your concentration, increases your creative thinking abilities, calms you down and my favorite is that it tastes absolutely freaking delicious!! Now, for some Matcha may be an acquired tasted, something like red wine. But if you try it just right, you will be hooked!

I’d say to start with this iced matcha latte. I used only 1 tsp of matcha powder, so you will get just enough of a taste but not an overly strong taste either. I also mix in honey with the matcha paste so it provides you with some sweetness!

matcha latte, iced matcha latte, matcha recipesDon’t be intimated! Forget all that fancy stuff that comes with a matcha kit. You do not need any of it. Just get some matcha powder and you are good to go. After you become a matcha snob, then go for all the other fancy stuff.

You can find matcha powder at a GNC retail store or you can search for a good powder online. Make sure it is food grade, all natural & organic, for the best quality & taste!

Iced Matcha Latte

Silky, Smooth, Refreshing latte

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1


  • 1 tsp matcha powder
  • 3 tsps water
  • 2 tsps honey
  • 1 cup 2% milk
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • ice


  1. In a small bowl, combine matcha power, water and honey. Mix well.  Should have a paste like consistency. Pour matcha mixture into a glass. Pour in milk and vanilla extract. Stir with a spoon & mix well. Add ice. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

  • Make sure to get an all natural, organic high quality matcha powder for maximum benefits and taste!
  • 2 tsps of honey will give you a subtle sweetness, if you prefer a sweeter beverage add in 1-2 tsps more!


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